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Murphy Lynne

Things I wish Teachers Knew

Am I Invisible?

Available Online Now!
MY Story

After I graduated high school in 2017 I wrote a book documenting my journey through school on the autism spectrum called "Am I Invisible-Things I Wish Teachers Knew". I wrote this book for teachers to do better, parents to understand and advocate for their children, and for students who are like me to feel less alone in their journey through school. 


I am 23 years old, currently learning to navigate adulthood on the spectrum, and helping others like me feel less alone throughout the process. 


Today my biggest hope is that my story has an impact within the education system.

Where To Purchase


Barnes & Noble

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Teacher Testimonials

My teacher and mom heart broke as I read this wonderful account of Murphy’s school experiences. She gives good advice and straight up tells teachers what students want and need! We can all vow to do better for all students to make sure all students are visible. Even if you think you do a good job of connecting with kids and building relationships, this book shows that we can do more! I am excited to share this book with some of my students who I know have felt invisible in the past. She also has great advice for them. I loved this book. It is a quick read...I could not put it down.  This is a powerful reminder of the importance of having positive adults in ALL students' lives.



Mental Health Resources

Butler Early Access Network (BEAN): 316-775-5491 x4  

SCARF: 316-733-6703 (Community Outreach Manager) or 316-313-4111 (CAC Therapist)

Heartspring: 316-643-8700

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Butler County: 316-263-3300

Smart Start of Butler County/Butler Kids: 800-831-3299

RCIL (Resource Center for Independent Living): 785-528-3105

Butler Homeless Initiative: 316-323-0151 or 316-321-1454

Department of Children and Family Services: 1-888-757-2445

Family Life Center- Safehouse: 316-321-7104

Child Start: 316-682-1853

DCCCA: 1-316-262-0505

Good Shepard: 316-858-0333

MidCap: 316-775-3000

Seize The Awkward: text SEIZE to 741741 or call 1-800-273-8255

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